A tax dollar by any other name
spends as sweetly, but the networks don’t always call attention
to the fact that Joe Taxpayer makes the country (and parts of
the world) go ’round.
CNN Reporter: Union
Strike Would Have Locked Up My Kids’ Bikes
Business contributor Andy Serwer
shares how a doorman strike in NYC would have affected him.
In the Midst of
Warnings, Life Expectancy Increases
Positive story a welcome respite
from fear-mongering on obesity and bird flu.
Alaska Pipeline
Doomsayings Revisited
As PBS releases a special about the
oil delivery system, the Free Market Project goes back in time
to recall environmentalists’ pipe dream: stopping it.
Commentary - Movie Review
‘Too Hot Not to
HBO’s Earth Day global warming special
is high-octane propaganda intent on changing America’s
prosperous habits.
Why Are We Over a
Networks blame big, bad oil but skip
threats, taxes and increased demand.
Americans innocent,
but guilty from eating
Journalists continue to pound people
about diet, so is it any wonder we don’t like food any more?
Hugo the Boss Media criticize ‘greed’ of energy executives, but go easy on
Venezuela’s oil strongman
While reporters warned of the dangers of foreign firms running
American ports, ABC, CBS and NBC paid little attention to Hugo
Chavez and his latest threats to hurt the United States.
Free Market Project
On Earth Day, hope for the environment (CS Monitor)
Dan Mitchell: Competitiveness means less government, not more
The Greenhouse Myth (Fox News)
Scientists cool outlook on global warming (Wash. Times)
Dr. Robert C. Balling Jr: ‘Too Hot’ Not So Hot
G. Tracy Mehan: Have a sunny Earth Day (Am. Spectator)