Media Criticize Union �Insurgents�
Networks, major
newspapers lament departure of �dissidents� from AFL-CIO while
pro-union voices dominate coverage.
By Amy Menefee
July 27, 2005
Union members are only 12 percent of U.S. workers, but media
coverage of the recent AFL-CIO split hailed unions as the voice
of working families and bemoaned the tragedy of a divide between
them. An analysis of media coverage of the separation from July
23 through July 27 found the media erroneously referring to
unions as representative of working families. |

See Video |
The analysis covered
20 stories from the three broadcast evening news shows, The
Washington Post, New York Times and USA Today. On the �CBS Evening
News� July 25 broadcast, Business Correspondent Anthony Mason said,
�Bob, the question here is if organized labor is meant to be the
voice of working men and women, what happens when that voice
cracks?� Anchor Bob Schieffer agreed, paying deference at the end of
the broadcast: �Because you know, after all, I mean, the AFL-CIO is
sort of like the Alamo or the Empire State Building. It�s just one
of these things that�s become part of our culture; it�s been around
for a long, long time.�
Likewise, NBC anchor Brian Williams recalled the glory
of the unions on the July 25 �Nightly News�: �There was a time in
the U.S. when a union job was a fast track to the American dream, a
good job at a good wage with decent benefits. The unions themselves
got together under the massive AFL-CIO umbrella, and together they
built much of America.�
Viewing the AFL-CIO in such a light, journalists openly
displayed disdain for the separating unions, calling their departure
a �defection,� �insurrection,� �insurgency� and �rebel unions.� In
the 20 stories analyzed, the unions who left were described as
�dissidents� 22 times and every media outlet studied made the
reference at least once. Reporters also called them �insurgents� �
the same term used for terrorists who have been bombing U.S. troops
in Iraq � 11 times.
For example, New York Times reporter Steven
Greenhouse�s July 27 story said, �The insurgent unions say that they
will undertake ambitious organizing drives involving thousands of
service-sector workers at places like Wal-Marts and tribal casinos.�
Thomas Edsall of The Washington Post wrote on July 24: �The
insurgents would shrink the federation�s Washington headquarters and
shift millions of dollars into organizing drives.�
Stories overwhelmingly relied on union sources and
Democratic Party leaders or strategists. Businesses and non-union
workers were not represented. On the rare occasion that someone like
Randel Johnson, a vice president with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
was included, he was given one sentence in Greenhouse�s July 27 New
York Times article.
Reporters completely ignored workers who didn�t want to
be unionized. The National Right to Work Legal Defense Fund aims to
help those who work in states without right-to-work laws, meaning
their states don�t ban forced unionization. This group, which could
have added perspective to the coverage, was mentioned only once by
The Washington Post � and that was a negative characterization. The
Post�s Thomas Edsall described the organization in a July 27 story
as one trying to �further weaken the union movement.� Edsall ignored
the rights of workers who might not want to join unions, focusing
instead on what he called the �damage inflicted on the AFL-CIO.�
�There�s a basic irony here,� said Justin Hakes,
director of legal information for National Right to Work, in an
interview. �That the upper echelon of Big Labor is able to withdraw
� but in 28 states in America, workers cannot exercise the same
[right].� Hakes referred to the fact that only 22 states have passed
right-to-work legislation that enables employees to refuse to join a
union and lets them opt out of paying dues.
Reports frequently referred to the decline in union
membership, but they did not take the opportunity to explore the
causes of this decline or the reasons workers might not want to
join. Some vaguely cited globalization and organizational failures
as well as conflicts of politics and personality between union
The Washington Post�s Thomas Edsall hit on this key
omission in his July 24 article. Mentioning union membership�s
decline, he remarked in passing that the falling number was �a
pattern similar to that in most industrialized countries.� No other
story mentioned that, and Edsall did not elaborate on why that was
the case or whether it was the natural progression of an advancing
economy. Instead, all of the coverage harped on the unions� concern
that membership was dropping and the effects that the split would
have on membership.
Another overlooked fact was corruption within unions.
More than 40 union employees were found guilty of crimes � usually
embezzling funds � in the first half of 2005 alone, according to the
Office of Labor Management Standards.
�Some of these workers are saying, �Why is my paycheck
being used to fund this (union) headquarters?�� commented Tim Kane,
a fellow in labor policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Several stories reported AFL-CIO President John
Sweeney�s statements about conservatives and businesses, but
reporters didn�t allow the impugned parties to answer the charges.
Sweeney referred to �the most powerful anti-worker political machine
in the history of our country,� as Jill Lawrence recounted in her
July 26 USA Today article. Sweeney attributed this �machine� to �our
corporate and conservative adversaries,� as The Washington Post�s
Thomas Edsall reported on July 26 � a statement quoted by The New
York Times� Steven Greenhouse the same day.
On July 25, Greenhouse also quoted Gerald McEntee,
president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees saying, �I think the only one who wins from this is George
Bush and his minions who are trying to weaken labor unions.� On the
�NBC Nightly News� July 25, Anne Thompson referred to �what
[Sweeney] sees as a conservative anti-worker environment.�
The �corporate and conservative� stance on labor was
absent from the coverage, as reporters awarded Democrats and union
leaders a monopoly on concern for the American worker � despite the
fact that unionized workers are a small percentage of the work
Researcher Megan Alvarez contributed to this report.
Related Links:
The Heritage Foundation Fact Sheet on Labor
Office of Labor Management Standards� criminal enforcement actions