Upcoming �Primetime Monday� Special On Obesity Is Old News
ABC has already identified the culprit: Television
By Paul F. Stifflemire,
Having already issued such gems as the
following, we have to wonder why ABC is risking its glass house
Monday night, December 8, palavering about how the �obesity
epidemic� in the United States is the fault of the federal
government and the food industry:
��ultimately food companies say
it's really up to parents to read nutritional labels and decide what
is best for their children. But parents are out-numbered and
out-financed by marketers. Really? According to the US Census
Bureau, there were at least 100 million parents as of 2000, so we�re
just guessing they�re not �outnumbered� by the marketers. As for
their being �out-financed� we wonder if even ABC understands what
that means. �Parents are also advised to think about their
family's eating habits and see where some choices that eliminate
unhealthy foods like soda can be made. Drinking one additional can
of a sugary soda, for instance, raises the odds of a child's
becoming obese by 1.6 times, according to a 2001 study from
Children's Hospital Boston and the Harvard School of Public Health.�
Wow; which one!?
�Another study found that children who watch
television during meals eat 5 percent more junk food than those who
don't.� So, turn off that TV!
�Food companies spend $13 billion a
year marketing to children in the United States. Parents should help
their children understand marketing techniques and consider muting
the television during ads.�
We wonder if Peter Jennings will join
those indicting money-grubbing television executives. After all,
ABC�s parent, Disney, has been identified by obesity epidemic
screamers for its promotional ties to McDonalds. And, without the
megaphone provided by the likes of ABC and its sister networks,
parents would not have to worry about the �marketers� of those
allegedly �unhealthy� foods, or �muting the television.� Yet, we�re
given to understand by ABC that Peter Jennings is going to reveal
�how government policies and food industry practices are helping to
make Americans fat.�
All we can say is never mind Pete. We�ve
heard it all before. We bet we can predict who�ll be pontificating
courtesy of ABC:
Almost certainly we will hear from Marion Nestle:
�The abundance of food in the United States � enough calories to
meet the needs of every man, woman, and child twice over � has a
downside. Our overefficient food industry must do everything
possible to persuade people to eat more � more food, more often, and
in larger portions � no matter what it does to waistlines or
well-being.� There you have it; the food industry is just too good
for our own good.
Surely we�ll be treated to some words of wisdom
from Eric Schlosser, himself an author of an anti food industry tome
entitled �Fast Food Nation,� who has this to say about the food
industry and his colleague Nestle: �Food politics underlie all
politics in the United States. There is no industry more important
to Americans, more fundamentally linked to our well-being and the
future well-being of our children. Nestle reveals how corporate
control of the nation's food system limits our choices and threatens
our health�." Well then; why not simply nationalize the food
industry so we can enjoy the health benefits of Soviet style
rationing? And Michael Pollan in the New York Times Magazine
Section of October 12, already covered Jennings� linkage of
agricultural subsidies and obesity: �But as we're beginning to
recognize, our cheap-food farm policy comes at a high price: first
there's the $19 billion a year the government pays to keep the whole
system afloat; then there's the economic misery that the dumping of
cheap American grain inflicts on farmers in the developing world;
and finally there's the obesity epidemic at home -- which most
researchers date to the mid-70's, just when we switched to a farm
policy consecrated to the overproduction of grain. Since that time,
farmers in the United States have managed to produce 500 additional
calories per person every day; each of us is, heroically, managing
to pack away about 200 of those extra calories per day. Presumably
the other 300 -- most of them in the form of surplus corn -- get
dumped on overseas markets or turned into ethanol." And there you
have the official far left position on the evils of �industrial
agriculture� courtesy of Pollan and �most researchers� who, of
course, are perfectly anonymous and most likely nonexistent.
�Nowadays,� Pollan says, �corn (along with most other agricultural
commodities) is again abundant and cheap, and once again the easiest
thing to do with the surplus is to turn it into more compact and
portable value-added commodities: corn sweeteners, cornfed meat and
chicken and highly processed foods of every description. The
Alcoholic Republic has given way to the Republic of Fat, but in both
cases, before the clever marketing, before the change in lifestyle,
stands a veritable mountain of cheap grain. Until we somehow deal
with this surfeit of calories coming off the farm, it is unlikely
that even the most well-intentioned food companies or public-health
campaigns will have much success changing the way we eat.� We wonder
just how Jennings can be any more creatively biased than that.
Again, why not just ban corn?
Perhaps Jennings can get in on the
�terrorists made me fat� theory. In a press release the following
was revealed: �A new survey commissioned by the American Institute
for Cancer Research (AICR) shows that about 20 percent of Americans
have made unhealthy changes in the way they eat in the wake of the
events of September 11th. The survey, conducted exactly two months
after the terror attacks on New York and Washington, sheds light on
anecdotal reports about how those events have affected America.� Yes
indeed it does: �Almost 20 percent of those surveyed said they had
found themselves eating more �comfort foods� like mashed potatoes
and gravy, fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. About 13 percent
said they had been eating more rich, hearty foods like steak, stews
and lasagna. Sugar cravings are also on the rise, with 19 percent
saying they have been eating more sweet, sugary foods like desserts
and ice cream.� Let�s see, exactly two months after September 11
would be just before�Thanksgiving!
And, honestly, as for blaming
aggressive marketing, Jennings might just be caught out in
plagiarism; after all, Morley Safer and CBS� 60 Minutes already did
that story: Safer indicted psychologists who help market fast food
to kids; criticized soft drink companies and Taco Bell for peddling
products in public schools; and summed up by adding that kids and
parents are: �Inundated also with a host of inducements that have
nothing to do with the food itself. You [viewers] may not know it,
but McDonald's and Burger King have become the biggest purveyors of
toys in the world. The fast-food industry spends $3 billion a year
just on television, hyping their food and their stuff. A lot of the
inducements are tied to movies (Disney!) or current fads, a
sure-fire way of getting kids to get parents to walk them through
those Golden Arches.� Will Jennings tell his viewers just how much
of that $3 billion goes to ABC?
About all, we guess, that�s left
to make Jennings� report unique is his dismissal of the truth,
namely, that �The simple answer is to just eat less and exercise
more.� ABC is having none of that self control nonsense when they
can advertise that Jennings will raise a �surprising question: Just
as children are protected from cigarette advertising, should
children be protected from advertising for unhealthy foods?�
Sorry; that�s already been done, too, as The (London)
Guardian, the
BBC and a host of other British news media reported in November: �A Labour MP who has attacked the �ruthless and cynical� targeting of
children by the food industry is seeking to outlaw advertisements
for confectionery, cereals and fast foods aimed at children.� In
fact the �ban� movement is pretty thoroughly entrenched throughout
Europe and other places there are no troubling niceties like the
U.S. Constitution to protect free speech.
The idea that Americans
have gotten fat �without really trying� thanks to an evil conspiracy
between the federal government, big agriculture and the food
industry might play better on ABC�s version of Showtime. Uh, that
would be The Disney Channel, where, ironically, kids surfing to the
site the week before the Primetime Special were asked to take a
survey as to whether their �favorite leftover concoction� would be a
�cranberry smoothie,� a �stuffing cone,� a �turkey sandwich� or a
�pumpkin pie patty.� The winner is: turkey sandwich, with 55% of the
vote. And, honest to gosh, clicking on a promotional contest banner
leads to an advertisement pitching Blue Bunny Ice Cream treats
featuring various images of Disney characters! |