Media Research Center

Free Market Project

2/17/2006 11:42:55 AM

Updated 01/25/06

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Media Myths

Hit Job
Networks Emphasize Layoffs
In A Year of 2 Million New Jobs

Two million new jobs were created in 2005 but the three broadcast networks downplayed strong growth and, instead, emphasized negatives such as corporate layoffs and outsourcing in more than half the stories about jobs or unemployment. For a Free Market Project analysis click here.

Bernanke Co-Author Frank Says Everyone Would Love $2 Gas Tax
Cornell economist has a history of decrying tax cuts, donating to

Turning Japanese? The Post Sure Thinks So
Front page article lauds energy savings that have many freezing in their homes.

Federal Budget: Here a Cut, There a Cut
Media see budget ‘cuts’ everywhere, but they ignore the fact that government programs don’t stop growing. Student loan programs are an example of the misleading coverage.

Cable Firms Prefer One Choice – Theirs
Customers faced with channels for every interest except for those who want to pay a la carte.

Diamond In the Rough
USA Today report on coal mining jobs breaks the media’s negative mold on the industry.

From the Mouths of Babes... to the Pockets of Oil Execs
Times reporter pits oil profits against anti-poverty initiatives.

CNN Anchor Worries Ports Outsourced to Terrorists
“Lou Dobbs Tonight” hypes fear, excludes defenders of Arab port company

CNN’s ‘In the Money’ Continues Love Affair with Class Warfare
Host calls CEO pay ‘mind-boggling’; guest adds that it’s ‘disgraceful.’

USA Today Insists Mine Safety Fines Aren’t High Enough
The untold story, however, is the trend toward increased safety and higher productivity in American mines.

6-Year Low in Unemployment Claims Draws Yawns from Media
Networks ignore the story while major newspapers downplay it.

Newspapers Continue to Call Slowed-Down Spending ‘Cuts’
Social programs are still expanding rapidly under new Bush budget, but writers hear only liberal criticisms of reduced growth.

The Nuclear Option
When it comes to nuclear power for U.S. energy needs, the media take a ‘No Nukes’ approach that’s heavy on scares, light on facts.

Econ 101: What Happens When We Subsidize
Alternative energy should be developed in a free, innovative marketplace – not through government planning.

Study Takes Bite Out of Media Claims about Low-Fat Diets
A new, larger-sample study refutes previous report linking diet to cancer prevention.


Free Market Project

One Year Later, Kyoto-Enthusiasts Struggle to Meet Targets (

Housing starts soar to near 33-year high (Wash Post)

Bernanke Says Economy's Expansion Is on Track (Wash Post)

Microsoft Criticizes EU Regulators (LA Times)

Parliament OKs bill to liberalize EU laws (Biz Week)

Falling Oil Price Overshadows Concerns on Interest Rates (NY Times)

Frist: Tax relief is essential (Wash Times)

Feulner: Cut out the meddle man


“Let's hope James Carville, Robert Rubin, Nancy Pelosi and other national Democrats are all sitting down for this one: The Rhode Island legislature is considering a flat tax, and the proposal comes from its majority Democrats…"

--Wall Street Journal editorial, Feb. 10, 2006




Herman Cain
Be Smart and
Order This Book

Herman Cain, National Chairman of the Free Market Project, has a new book that is a call to end politics as usual

Free Market Project is a project of the
Media Research Center